Engineering of Plastic Packaging

Thermoforming, that is a technical transformation of plastic films in stuff for specific uses, is the activity of Novoplast Due.

During more than 20 years, Novoplast Due carried out production projects for many fields of activity such as mechanic industry, publishing industry, cosmetic industry, food industry and others applications where thermoformed products are requested.

To analyze and solve the plastic packaging requests is the mission of Novoplast Due, thanks to the long experience and following the continuous updating process regarding materials and technologies.

Company and Services
  • Novoplast Due Srl
  • Strada Statale 20, 25 Località Pedaggera
  • 12030 Cavallerleone (cn)
  • Italy
  • Tel. +39 0172 813161
  • p.i. 01844380046